Andi Garbarino Fine Art

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Holiday Set Installation: Behind the Scenes

Be honest, are you the type who’s always up for a challenge? 🤔

I definitely jump in headfirst, so saying yes to collaborating with Amber Bruski of Amber Leilani Photography on this set design was a complete no-brainer. And I am so glad I did! Set design is kind of like collaging in 3D, plus I got to create all of these ornaments in even more sizes than I usually do.

Amber called me earlier in the week and asked if I’d be interested in creating ornaments for her upcoming holiday mini-shoot with Jenna Brown. Of course I said yes and got to work on creating the holiday ornaments perfect for the set.

One of the smaller Christmas Baubles for the Holiday Minis Set

Amber sent me a photograph of the paper color, and I went to work designing the color pallet for the more boho vibe that Amber was going for. I grabbed a few inks from Michaels, and put together a couple of swatches that Amber picked from and then got to work creating.

Then, Amber and I headed to select our greenery and might have had too much fun in the aisles of Michaels. She is so talented—she can make goofy shots on an iPhone look like a mini branding session. 😂

Then we headed back to Amber Leilani Studio and began to hang up the new Holiday Set! We took two boughs of holiday evergreen and hung them up in a double swoop. After that, I sorted the ornaments into groups with a variety of size and colors in each group. They looked so pretty all laid out! From there, we set on the hard work of hanging all the ornaments from the greenery.

And! When it was all done—I got to be the test model! It turned out to be a pretty amazing day and I am so proud of the set that came from all of our hard work.

When your bff is a very talented photographer and you get awesome set building gigs AND to be the test model! #newprofilephoto 😉

I’m so excited to be taking on more work like this—custom design, set design and prop styling! It’s like getting to collage in 3D. If you’re looking for a set of custom ornaments, or would like to purchase a holiday garland like this for your holiday home decor, I’d be happy to help!

OR! If you’d like to check out the other ornaments in the 2022 Holiday collection, here’s your invite!