Gallery Opening hosted by Emma Taryn

It has been a whirlwind of a weekend, and I am very excited that this week is starting out on a beautiful, and now also delicious note: The Private Gallery Launch of my Debut Art Collection. If you've been reading along, you know that art and community and hospitality are so tightly woven together. This makes it even more thrilling that my very dear friend Emma Taryn of the travel and lifestyle blog Taryn into Travel is putting on her hostess hat to take over the blog and throw the best ever Gallery launch event!

We decided that snacks were a must for the launch! (As a side note, if you want to have access to the private link for tonight's gallery Opening, it is imperative that you are subscribed to the Studio Newsletter. )

And so— thank you dear Emma for making sure life is fun and tasty as well as beautiful, and without further adieu, I am going to let you take it from here.

“I started creating these boards about a year ago. I love all things hosting, decor, food and entertaining. Usually food is the centerpiece of the get together and an easy conversation starter {if one is needed}!”

“The flexibility of a cheese board, or any kind of board for that matter is the best part. You get to do whatever you want and there is absolutely no wrong way to what you are doing. You get to make it all yours! The other thing is that you can make it as big or small as you want, for you and a friend or your significant other or you can go all out and create a charcuterie board for 20 people.”

Here are Emma's recommendations for beautiful boards--and in perfect hostess style, she left us the links to find them below!

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If you're looking for further foodie inspiration, here are some other gorgeous (smorgas)boards that Emma has put together in the past:

And that, dear friends, is how to enjoy this gallery launch best--a fall candle by your side, sweet peppers and a glass of wine.


The Art of Autumn: My Fall Bucket List


Tiny Canvas: An Experiment in Being Brave